Phentaslim Fat Burner by Optimum Nutra Review

Phentaslim Fat Burner

Burning fat is and dropping a few lbs isn’t easy.

There are some fat burners and weight loss supplements that can help you lose weight but it can be really hard to tell which ones are good and which ones are junk.

Luckily you have us to help you out.

In this Phentaslim fat burner review we will help you decide if this fat burner is effective or if you should look elsewhere.


Related: Top 10 Fat Burning Supplements for Women


What is Phentaslim Fat Burner?

Phentaslim Fat Burner is a weight loss supplement created by Optimum Nutra.

The product promises to annihilate body fat while destroying hunger pangs using proven ingredients. These combined components work in helping you with your weight loss goals via six ways:

Burn Fat. Increased metabolism can lead to faster burning of excess fat.

Burn Calories. Less calories stored equals little to no weight gain.

Reduce Cravings. You feel fuller for longer and won’t be likely to engage in binge eating.

Boost Energy. You won’t feel like you’re on a diet as you’ll be bursting with energy throughout the day.

Mental Clarity. Mood and mental resolve will give you the motivation to continue losing weight.

Boost Health. Phentaslim is loaded with antioxidants, minerals and vitamins for an improved immune system and overall health.


Who is Phentaslim For?

If you’re reading this Phentaslim review, then chances are that you’re looking for a fat burner product that could give you results.

The makers of Phentaslim Fat Burner have created a scientifically-driven diet supplement that has all-natural ingredients.

The product boasts over a hundred thousand customers on their website. It can be taken by men and women who’d like to get a slimmer, fitter physique for personal reasons.

Maybe you’d like to start losing excess pounds and replace it with lean muscle. You may have tried several fat burners with little to no success. Those who need help getting motivated and avoiding pitfalls such as binge eating may try Phentaslim and see if it works for them.

Athletes, bodybuilders and gym goers who want to be stronger and faster can achieve their goals by combining a diet plan with proper training regimen and a supplement like Phentaslim.


Ingredients in Phentaslim

Phentaslim has clinically proven ingredients that can accelerate your weight loss program. Here’s a list of them and what they do.

Green Tea. 375mg of Green Tea extract can do a lot of good for one’s health. The abundance of catechin naturally induces a state of thermogenesis, wherein the body temperature increases and your system begins burning stored fats. Also, the antioxidants fight off the effects of aging and eliminate harmful free radicals in your system.

Zinc – Helps turn protein, fat and carbohydrates into fuel.

Caffeine Anhydrous – Caffeine provides much-needed energy, staves off hunger pangs and boosts your metabolic rate. The kicker here is that caffeine gives you the focus and strength to complete your workouts and can even make you break your personal record.

L-Tyrosine – Studies show that it can increase oxidation of fat, increase energy expenditure during rest and suppresses appetite.

L-Theanine – An amino acid that has cognitive benefits, L-theanine can increase attention and focus while reducing the effects of stress and anxiety. This is a useful component for people who can’t seem to stop their hunger pangs or are emotionally overeating all the time.

Panax Ginseng – Panax Ginseng boosts the immune system and the gut for overall well-being.

Acetyl L-Carnitine – A popular ingredient that’s made its way in weight loss supplements, food and even drinks. Acetyl L-Carnitine taps into fat and metabolizes it, thereby turning it into usable energy. As a result, you’ll feel more energetic and able to recover from workouts sooner than expected.

Guarana Seed – Used in energy drinks because of its exceptional caffeine content, guarana provides a welcome boost in both mental and physical aspects.

Cayenne Pepper – A potent fat-burning ingredient that’s a must-have in any respectable dietary product. Capsicum increases your blood flow and body temperature so you can burn more calories and fat.

Black Pepper Extract – Optimizes your body’s absorption rate so you can make use of the nutrients in Phentaslim.

Other ingredients include Magnesium, Niacin, Vitamin B6, B2, B1 and B12.


Side Effects with Phentaslim

The only potential side effect we see here is the abundance of caffeine in the product.

If you’re taking Phentaslim, then you shouldn’t take your regular coffee because of possible side effects associated with overdose, e.g., jitteriness, excessive anxiety, nervousness, upset stomach and more.

Pregnant and nursing mothers should not be taking Phentaslim. Make sure to consult with your doctor before taking any weight loss supplement or if you have serious heart conditions.

The all-natural ingredients and absence of fillers, artificial compounds and GMO products should invoke a safe response.


Pricing For Phentaslim

A bottle of Phentaslim, which is good for 30 days is priced at $49. The manufacturer offers discounts when you buy the diet supplement in bulk. For instance, you can get the Buy 2 Get 1 Free bottle of Phentaslim for just $98, or a 5-months’ worth for only $147 (pay for 3 bottles and get 2 free).

Included in each purchase is a free ebook called The 4 Week Fat Blast. At a price of $1.63 a day (which is less than a cup of coffee outside), Phentaslim is priced just right. The ebook is a welcome bonus as well.


Pros and Cons of Phentaslim Fat Burner

Pros and cons


  • Contains all-natural ingredients
  • Made in the USA
  • Free ebook


  • High caffeine content

Will Phentaslim Work For You?

It’s nice to see a well-rounded mix of ingredients in a fat burner product, and one that includes the dosage on their label. Phentaslim strikes a good balance of components aimed towards weight loss- appetite suppressants, thermogenics, energy and focus to beat the usual pitfalls of going on a diet.

As long as you’re not averse to having too much caffeine in your system, Phentaslim should work. There are noteworthy ingredients in there, such as Black Pepper, Cayenne Pepper and Green Tea Extract that can give you a huge boost in your weight loss regimen. Just make sure to follow the instructions so you’d get maximum results.



Phentaslim Fat Burner may have gone a bit overboard on the caffeine, but the rest are great and proven to help individuals lose weight.

At only $49, it’s a good trial supplement to try. When you start feeling and seeing the effects, then go ahead and continue until you’ve reached your fitness goals.

Make sure to weigh the pros and cons and tailor the decision according to your personal preference.

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