Best Pre-Workout Supplement Ingredients to Look For

It can be tricky figuring out which ingredients in pre-workout supplements are actually worth using. The FDA doesn’t regulate advertising claims, so it’s easy for manufacturers to make misleading or fraudulent claims about their products without any kind of oversight whatsoever.

There is some good news, though – research on these particular substances has been extensive and shows they indeed work wonders when combined with other well-studied complementing factors such as training frequency/volume ratio, etc. So if you want the best possible performance from your workout, I suggest taking care of what goes into them post-purchase.

Natural Pre-Workout by Truth Sports

What is a Pre-Workout Supplement?

Whether you’re just starting out or looking for ways to push your limits, many different types of supplements can help.

A pre-workout supplement is taken 15-30 minutes prior and should be used to improve the quality/experience during workouts.

A good pre-workout can help to improve:

  • Increased energy
  • Enhanced focus and concentration
  • Improved endurance
  • Increased fat burning
  • Increased muscle building
  • Faster recovery

The pre-workout supplement scene is quite different from one brand to another. While some may offer improved muscle pumps and limitless energy, others provide increased metabolism or enhanced focus in the gym – all depending on your individual goal! So it’s essential that you closely examine each label before deciding which product will be best for reaching them at their full potentials.

Nowadays, many people turn towards natural dietary supplements rather than prescription drugs. You just need to be sure you do your homework when buying a supplement, or it will be pretty easy to get ripped off. Here are some good things to watch for.


Related: Best Pre Workout Supplements for Women


What to Look Out For in Pre-Workout Supplements


If you’re not used to the amount of caffeine in pre-workout supplements, it can cause jitters and anxiety. It’s also unsafe for people with heart palpitations or stress fractures because they might suffer a stroke when drinking these products alongside their daily routine activities such as workout sessions.

Proprietary Blends

You’ll want to be wary of these because they’re basically just a combination of multiple stimulants and other ingredients that the manufacturer has combined together to make their product seem more potent than it actually is. The thing is, you have no way of knowing how much of each ingredient is inside the blend, and there is no way to find out. It’s best to avoid these all together, but it isn’t easy because there are a lot of them out there.

Best Pre-Workout Ingredients

Citrulline Malate 

Citrulline Malate is a necessary amino acid that’s beneficial in any pre-workout routine. The compound boosts your training by increasing nitric oxide and giving you more malic acid to work with.

To get bigger muscles, you need more blood flow to the muscle which means increased nitric oxide. The longer we can keep up with our training and exercises, the better pumps will be able to give us.

Malate is a type of salt that helps convert lactic acid into energy, so it doesn’t build up in your system. This allows easier burning throughout workouts leading towards quicker recovery time post-workout when performing high-intensity movements like weightlifting or Crossfit style exercises.

It makes sense why they call them “burnable” fuels for lasting power because every hit feels stronger, but there’s also less fatigue.

Citrulline Malate is a natural supplement that has been shown to increase exercise capacity, improve heart function and reduce soreness. It also helps produce HGH when you’re feeling tired or injured so your body can recover more quickly.


There’s a reason why Beta-Alanine is considered one of the best pre-workout ingredients. It not only helps you build lean muscle while increasing physical endurance, but it also speeds up recovery so your body can recover more quickly between workouts.

Beta-Alanine increases the production of carnosine, an enzyme regulator that fights free radicals and reduces muscle fatigue. This means you’ll be able to work out for more extended periods without feeling sore or drained from all your efforts. 


Creatine is a compound that works in many beneficial ways. First, it supports muscle building and helps you recover faster after working out because of its energy distribution abilities to cells throughout your body. This gives us more stamina for our sessions which leads over an extended period will lead to increased endurance levels when going through plateaus or difficult moments during training.

Creatine is the most proven supplement there for building strength, it has worked great for me but it doesn’t work for everyone. Approximately 30% of the population do not get any benefit from creatine for reasons that are still unkown.

Betaine Anhydrous

Betaine Anhydrous is a must-have for anyone serious about building muscle. Studies have shown this ingredient to reduce fatigue and increase HGH while also decreasing cortisol levels.

Betaine Anhydrous is an all-rounder ingredient that provides more physical power, good for the liver and digestive process. It also has FDA approval in America, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any side effects. Nausea, stomach upset, diarrhea, and body odor can occur.

grass fed whey protein powder

N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine

N-Acetyl L Tyrosine, otherwise known as NALT for short, is a remarkable compound that has been shown to give users many benefits, including improved mood and protection against stress.

The modified cousin of naturally occurring amino acid L-Tyrosine, NALT, has been proven to be better than its original form because it displays higher bioavailability and quickly absorbs into your bloodstream. You will receive nutrients much faster with this compound going straight for blood flow.

The nootropic properties of NALT have been shown to improve brain function, including attention and concentration. In fact, this powerful amino acid works its way into your system whether you’re looking for enhanced cognitive abilities or just some relief from stress! When our mood is elevated via increased dopamine hormone production, we experience a sense of well-being that can last all day long thanks in particular because drugs don’t negatively affect blood sugar levels like many prescription medications do–so there’s less risk associated with them being addicting if taken regularly over time

Red Beet

Red beets have been called a superfood because they’re packed with life-giving nutrients. This includes essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.

Beet is a new dietary supplement that has been shown to improve athletic performance and workout efficiency. The nitrates found in red beets work with your body’s mitochondria, allowing for more explosive energy and increased oxygen levels within the muscles themselves! This means you can get rid of stubborn fat while revealing lean muscle tissue underneath without any problematic side effects like heartburn or dehydration.

Red beet is an ingredient that also delivers wicked muscle pumps and freaky veins.

Caffeine Anhydrous

While caffeine is one of the safer stimulants for our nervous system, it’s not entirely harmless.

Caffeine is a widely used stimulant that many people enjoy in their coffee, tea or other beverages. But too much can lead to unpleasant side effects like jitteriness and anxiety. Some may also experience headaches and stomach discomfort if they drink more than 400mg at one time or 1 gram total per day on average for an individual’s sensitivity level (which varies from person to person).


Wrap up

You find more ingredients in a good pre-workout supplement, but none of them will really do all that much. If you are looking for a pre-workout that works, you would be best served by a supplement with the above ingredients.

Always be sure to follow the directions when taking supplements. More isn’t always better, and you can end up with some nasty side effects, especially with pre-workout supplements.