Why Meal Plans Don’t Work & What To Do Instead

Fitness guy eating salad

Meal plans can have their place. But honestly, I tend to believe that for the vast majority of people they aren’t realistic, (specifically not long term), nor are they effective.

Meal plans tell you “what” to eat, but they don’t teach you “HOW” to eat.

For anyone but a physique competitior prepping for a show, the tiny details in a meal plan don’t matter that much. There are far bigger factors that make a difference- like consistency and sustainability.

For MOST people, nutrition simply isn’t the number one priority in their lives. They don’t want to be consumed minute to minute with what they’re eating. They don’t want to be weighing and measuring, or left panicked on what to do if they’re stuck somewhere without their “pre tupperwared” chicken and broccoli meal. What’s more, for the average man or woman looking to lose weight, drop some bodyfat or improve their health, living by an “eat this” or “don’t eat that” plan leads to hyper obsessiveness with food, feelings of restriction, and ultimately can lead to binging.

Long term success with nutrition is not about rigid rules. It’s about gaining a general awareness of how much you’re currently eating versus how much you should be eating, and following smart guidelines as a result of that awareness. It’s about learning to make smart decisions regarding the food you eat on a consistent, day to day basis.

Abs girl

I’m not saying people should eat whatever or eat with no boundaries, but I do think that sometimes the best thing to do – is SIMPLIFY.

Instead of limiting yourself with harsh rules, extreme restrictions, and “follow-this-to-the-letter plans”, learn to make healthy eating EASY and LOW STRESS. Find a way to make what you eat fit who you are and how you live your life, not the other way around. Because when a diet plan or method creates stress, anxiety, or is too rigid to adhere to with consistency, all it does is set you up to fail.

Although I most certainly do use and design set meal plans or specific dietary programs for clients, over time I like to see people I work with progress into more sustainable methods such as either macro tracking (for those who like structure) or a program based upon non food scale portion control (ideal for individuals who do not do well with restriction or structure).