The 3 Biggest Training Mistakes Women Make at the Gym

While most of the things I write cater to guys, some advice applies to the ladies as well.

When it comes to nutrition and training, all sexes are equal. Men will definitely want to get bigger muscles, become stronger or faster, and lift heavier weights, while women may have other fitness goals in mind, e.g., burn fat, downsize or become faster. I’ve also had women clients asking me how they could lift their weight or develop fearsome muscles!

The approach to training is basically the same regardless of whether you’re a male or female. Time and again I had to correct misconceptions about what women can do and how they should train.

I’ve compiled the 3 most common mistakes women make in the gym, and the easiest ways to avoid them.


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Not Going For The Heavy Weights

Heavy squats girl

It’s understandable to feel that you’ll become too big when thinking about heavy weights. Women (and some guys) assume that they’ll develop overly large muscles, which usually doesn’t fit in their overall goals but I repeat, this isn’t the case.

Despite what bodybuilding documentaries, social media and Hollywood movies say, the truth is that it’s hard to build muscle. You will need a ton of testosterone, protein and other macronutrients to stand a chance of bulking up. Women simply don’t have as much testosterone and thus have very slim chances of turning into She-Hulks.

What progressive overload and heavy lifting does is move you in the right direction. It’s one of the surest ways to get a toned body and perhaps envious looks from all around. Getting that look doesn’t mean you have to follow a specific program- all you need to do is replace those body fat with lean muscle, and voila! a toned physique.

The right diet equals leanness while weights equal firm, toned muscles. Remember that when you’re going to the gym.


Relying Too Much On Cardio

Girl Running

Women tend to avoid heavy lifting yet flock to cardio like birds. I’m not saying that a good cardio program is bad- it’s just not going to help you lose fat any more than other exercises.

Relying on cardio to get you to your end goal isn’t going to work. It’s actually counterproductive to achieving a slim and toned body. We know that a good amount of muscle mass and reduced body fat is needed, but all that movement tends to take away muscle mass instead of adding to it.

If you need solid proof, compare the body types of female lifters to cardio enthusiasts. Cardio bunnies tend to have that ‘skinny fat’ look that’s not heavy but has little shape, while lifters have both shape and fantastic muscle definition.

This mistake is true for both men and women, so guys, take note- less cardio, more weights.


Eating Too Little

Eating too little

While this may not strictly be a ‘gym mistake’, it’s important to know that nutrition and training are both equally important. That said, it’s easy to believe that the less you eat, the better off you’ll be. Again, this is a myth and there are better ways on how you can get a fitter physique.

So, stop eating like birds and get some nutritious food to go with training. Starving yourself won’t make your body torch fat- it’s a survival mechanism and there’s nothing you can do about it. This may be hard to understand at first, but heavy lifting and eating more can actually give you a better chance of getting lean.

Pay attention to the kind of food you’re eating as well. Keep carbs to a minimum and don’t forget to add much-needed protein and essential fats for muscle building and recovery. Protein is one of the best macronutrients as it equates to lean muscles, while good fats are great for your hormones, skin and weight loss goals.

If possible, map out a low carb, high fat diet with lots of protein and combine that with a good weight lifting routine. Instead of focusing on burning fat, direct your efforts to build musculature and you’ll be surprised at how lean you will have become.

Get off that treadmill or exercise bike and start a program with heavy weights. You’ll love the way your body transforms for the better!