Nutrex Research Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate Review

Nutrex Research has been developing supplements for more than a decade. In recent years, they have focused on muscle gaining and fat burning products, but their main line of work is still female fat burning pills (Lipo 6 Black Hers).

Let’s see how effective this product is as advertised.

Lipo-6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate

What is Nutrex Research Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate??

Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate is a powerful fat burner specifically designed for women. It contains ingredients like caffeine, green tea and chili pepper extract that can help boost energy levels and stimulate the metabolism, which in turn helps burn fat more efficiently.

So how exactly does Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate work?

When looking at the ingredients of this product, we don’t see anything that would make it an excellent fat burner for women. The formula seems broadly similar to their men’s energy booster with some added features such as an increase in mental alertness which should keep you active and [“clinically validated”?] thermogenic activators – whatever those may be.

Nutrex says the product contains clinically validated thermogenic activators. That sounds very fancy, but it translates to: ‘It will increase your metabolism.’ Assuming that is the case, this should help you burn fat. The product also claims to increase mental alertness, which will keep you active.

The Ingredients in Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate

Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate ingredient label

When judging any supplement the most important thing to look at is in ingredients. With that being said, Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate contains:

Caffeine Anhydrous – Caffeine is a popular ingredient in many fat burners, and it’s no surprise why. The caffeine speeds up our metabolism to help us lose weight faster while also giving us increased energy levels to keep going with exercise as well! Unfortunately, there have been some issues when people consume too much or improper amounts of this substance because high doses may react negatively upon digestion by the body leading them towards birth control pill interaction. A downside if you ask me but something that isn’t always mentioned on boxes..

Vitamin B12 – Vitamin B is a great way to combat weight gain. It can help you feel more energized and block the effects of carbohydrates on your body, making it perfect for those looking into natural lipo 6 black hershey if they don’t get enough vitamins in their diet or just want an extra boost!

Folic Acid – How does Folic Acid help with weight loss?

Folinic acid is another essential vitamin that performs several vital functions in the body. It can help generate new red blood cells and support improved brain or cardiovascular health, among other things! Despite all these benefits, there’s no strong evidence to suggest it will burn fat because unlike its partner vitamins. Vitamin B12 -folates don’t contribute much energy on its own but instead helps block carbs from doing so by strengthening cell walls against insulin spikes (which cause sugars). So while folate may not be able to provide enough calories for intense workouts at high-intensity levels, if you don’t get enough through dieting then this little bugger can be trouble.

Yohimbine HCl –  Yohimbine HCL, a component of Nutrex Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate, is a natural supplement traditionally used to help female women with weight loss. The active ingredient in Yohimbe bark, it’s been studied and shown to help suppress appetite and increase fat burning through its effects on alpha-2 receptors that tell our bodies to store fat and it does so with a lack of adverse side effects, unlike its cousin caffeine which can cause headaches and jittery feelings.

Theobromine Anhydrous – Another stimulant, theobromine is a common ingredient in many weight loss supplements. It works by increasing our body’s thermogenic fat-burning processes, so it can be a great addition to your supplement routine if you’re looking to lose weight.

Rauwolscine – This ingredient is also known as alpha-yohimbine, and it has some interesting effects on the body. Studies have shown that it can help increase mental clarity while reducing hunger pangs, making it a great option if you’re struggling to control your appetite while trying to lose weight.

The problem with the ingredients above is that they are in a proprietary blend. A proprietary blend is when a company puts all the ingredient in a “blend” and doesn’t tell you how much of each ingredient is in that blend. So you don’t know if you are getting the clinical dose of each ingredient or not. This is often done to hide the under-dosing of ingredients or to save on costs.


Missing Ingredients:

One thing to note about Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate is that it is missing some key ingredients that are popular today in other fat burners. For example, it doesn’t include green tea extract, which has been shown to help boost metabolism and increase fat burning. It also doesn’t contain green coffee bean or raspberry ketones, which are popular ingredients for weight loss today.


Potential Side Effects

Another issue with Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate is that it contains a lot of stimulants, including caffeine and Yohimbe Bark Extract. These ingredients can cause side effects like jitteriness, nervousness, increased heart rate, and difficulty sleeping. If you are sensitive to stimulants, this product is not for you.


Pricing on Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra

Concentrate can vary depending on where you buy it. Generally, it is priced at around $34.99 for a one-month supply. It is available in many differnt places nthough so prices will vary.

There is also no savings when buying in bulk bulk and shipping is extra at most retailers.


Where to buy Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate?

You can buy Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate online, through many different supplement retailers. But it’s important to do your research first and compare prices so that you get the best deal possible. Some good places to start are Amazon and GNC.



Pros and Cons

Pros and cons

To summarize, here are the pros and cons of Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate:


  • Contains some ingredients that can help with weight loss
  • May help suppress appetite
  • No negative side effects reported


  • Missing some key weight loss ingredients that are found in other fat burners
  • Contains a lot of stimulants that can cause side effects like jitteriness and nervousness
  • The ingredients are in a proprietary blend, so you don’t know if you are getting the clinical dose of each ingredient or not.


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Overall, Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate may be effective for some people looking to lose weight, but some potential drawbacks are to keep in mind. If you are sensitive to stimulants or looking for a more comprehensive weight loss supplement, you may want to look elsewhere. But if you don’t have any sensitivities and just want a little extra boost when it comes to burning fat, this product could be worth trying out.​

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